On the phone with my Mom and Dad last night, I heard their door bell ring. Then this:
M: Oh geez, who is that? George you better go and see.
D: (SFX: grumbling, rustling, door opening) Hey, oh thanks. Has it been frozen?
M: I bet it's more fish. (pauses to hear the door close) Was it the neighbors? What she give you, more fish.
D: No, turtle.
M: What?
D: Turtle, turtle.
M: TURTLE? What I'm suppose to do with turtle?
D: Yes Judy turtle, you COOK IT!
M: I'm not cooking turtle, I'm not eating it, you must be crazy, how do you even cook turtle? etc etc
They continue talking to each other over the phone, even though they are only a room apart. I can just see my Mom walking into the living room with her hand on her, hip still talking to him in the phone. I decided to join in by suggesting turtle soup? That set off another round. OK, I suggested, maybe fry them up as turtle-nuggets? Well you can imagine the rest of the discussion.
All joking aside, it is an interesting question. Turtle was obviously not something on the menu in my house growing up, but it is considered to be gourmet food in many countries; camp cuisine in the south.
The first thing
I wondered was what wine would go well with turtle? Of course it depends on how you cook it. But I thought it would be fun to find a brand with "turtle" on the label and send it to them. After a quick search, none looked even slightly appealing.
So I turn to you for help. Recipe and/or wine suggestions?
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